Main Office: 4245 Union Road Suite 208, Cheektowaga, NY 14225     •     Satellite Office: 534 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 14202


How Is the Cost of Bankruptcy Calculated in New York?

Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting process, especially when you’re already struggling financially. One of the most common questions people have is about the cost of filing for bankruptcy in New York. At John D’Amato PLLC, we understand that this is a crucial consideration for anyone contemplating bankruptcy. In this guide, we’ll break down […]

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What Income is Used for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in New York?

If you’re struggling with overwhelming debt in New York and considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, one of the key eligibility requirements is passing the bankruptcy “means test.” This test evaluates your household income to determine if you qualify for a Chapter 7 straight bankruptcy, where your unsecured debts like credit cards and medical bills

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What is The Look Back Period for Bankruptcy in New York?

When filing for bankruptcy, individuals are subject to certain look-back periods, which are periods in their financial past that the bankruptcy trustee will examine. In New York, the bankruptcy lookback periods are as follows: Below, we explain these lookback periods and how they apply to New York bankruptcy filing. For sound guidance on your specific

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How Much Cash Can You Keep When Filing Chapter 7 in New York?

Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t necessarily leave people penniless. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions in New York, under NY exemption law you may keep as much as $6,000 in cash among other exempted assets. Below is a guide on how bankruptcy exemptions work. If you need legal guidance for smart debt relief strategies, consult our experienced

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